This project is about documentation. It is about what it means to dramatize ones experience through the medium of photography. What we record, and how we record it, directly effects how we remember an event. New found experiences, new found people, and new found love, are imperative to the development of the soul. If one takes the time to express themselves artistically, pictorially, or through any other form of expression, then one begins to gain a heighten sense of awareness. By expressing accurately who you are, and how you see the world, you are able to grow, expand, and accentuate your character. These moments in Amsterdam and London are just another beautiful step towards my destiny as an artist, and as a human being. I will always encourage others to do the same. Put time into what it is you take photos of... put time into how you document and express your life. I believe that our social media accounts have become apart of our souls, and if that is truly the case, then we must cherish, and nurture them at all times.