Women are the begging and end to all of men’s true desires in this life.
Women posses potential for sexual encounters, although at the same time offer so much more then sensual pleasure.
Even though women exhibit carnal beauty, there lies within them a great wisdom. A wisdom all men must confront and battle with on a daily basis. When the wisdom is reached, one finds out what true love consist of. True love is divine. It is eternal. The beauty of a woman must be cherished, and respected for all its existential, and metaphysical implications.
woman give view to the transcendent,
the transcendent is within reach at all times,
god is everything,
If god is everything then she is god.
the personification of god is only a learning curve.
narratives give us direction towards the realization of the divine.
romance, beauty, and love help guide us to the heavens.
heaven is there for the taking, but will not be forever possessed,
because with birth comes death,
and with good, comes evil.
If all things in reality are divine, transcendent and godly,
then evil and darkness will forever be eternal as well.
there is no running in the totality of all things.
darkness will forever bring pain and sorrow,
and light will forever bring another tomorrow.
this is what I see when a women's beauty is before me.
I see the divine… forever trapped in my mind.