This is an experimental photography project. I was inspired by Halsey's creative direction on her new album cover for her 2nd studio release 'Hopeless Fountain Kingdom.' The Print, Cutout, and Tape style is a style that very much expresses the mindset of urban youth. There is an intrinsic sense of grit that lies in spirit of the youth. Digital, but nostalgic. Electric, but natural. This is the feeling I am wanting to express. I am wanting to express what it feels like to live out your fantasies in the Dallas/FortWorth, urban landscape. The Dallas/Fort Worth area has a sense of the eclectic. There is a variety of different experiences. It ranges from beautiful silent days near the prairie, to dark erotic nights of house parties. These men are men that have been through struggle, pain, and hardship, just like us all. They have also seen good times filled with pleasure, victory, and ecstasy. This is them exposed for who they are in an abstract manner.